Neprenia | Open Tibia Server

Server details:

Experience IconExperience: Skills IconSkills: Magic IconMagic: Loot IconLoot: PVP Type IconType: Protocol IconProtocol:
2000 20 8 1 PvP 10.98

Players data: (?)

Players online: Record online: Added to the list:
59 143 2023-10-12 23:26:18


Experience? Who Cares! Welcome to the Ultimate Power Gaming Experience with a innovative reborn system.

Here at Neprenia, we're not just another high exp rate server. We're a realm of unstoppable power, relentless PvP, and boundless opportunities for gamers who crave the thrill of rapid progression. Our focus isn't on experience points; it's on empowering you to become a force to be reckoned with. (Thanks Chat GPT)

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